Last week in preparation for Halloween, Katie and I took a trip to the pumpkin patch with Aunt Katherine and Cousin Claire. The weather was closer to summer than fall, but we all enjoyed ourselves. By enjoyed ourselves I mean Katie was indifferent, Claire had a blast, and Katherine and I spent more time trying to position a 2 year-old and an infant for pictures than we did actually picking out the pumpkins! :-) Below are a few pictures from our adventure.
Here's Katie in the car seat just before we left the house. This little grin says - I think we are getting ready to do something fun. Am I right mommy??

We found a goard shaped like a Boppy Pillow and used it to prop Katie up for this one. I have to say Thank You to Katherine because this Halloween outfit is a hand-me-down from Claire. We even went back to Rob and Kat's house and looked at pictures of little Claire in the outfit from 2 years ago! :-)

About the picture below, Katie says thank goodness mommy got her hair cut and her roots done 2 days after this picture was taken...she looks kind of rough....maybe I should let her sleep a little more at night. Mommy agrees!!!

Aunt Kat, Cousin Claire, and my little chunk Katie!