Thursday, February 20, 2014

Jenna Cole Barnes - Birth Story

On Sunday February 9th at 8:28 PM, Jenna Cole Barnes made her grand appearance.  Jenna weighed in at 6 lbs. 7 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long.  She was 3 days late, smaller than we thought, and the absolute picture of health.  Below is her birth story --- something I will certainly forget if its not written down.

I woke up Sunday morning around 4:30 to contractions.  They were about 15-20 minutes apart, so I thought --- no big deal.  I had been having contractions off and on for several days.  By 7-8 AM on Sunday they were as close as 8 minutes apart, but then then stopped.  I told Matt when the contractions stopped that I might as well just give up on this baby coming naturally.  My doctor had planned for me to be induced on Tuesday if the baby did not arrive before then.
We went about our normal routine that Sunday and I continued to have random contractions.  By about 1 PM, I told Matt I was going to skip lunch and just lay down because the random contractions were getting annoying/tiring.  At 2 PM, I got up from bed because the contractions were getting stronger, but not closer together in frequency.  By 3:30, my contractions were coming every 5-7 minutes.  I decided I had better call the doctor's office.  The doctor on call instructed me to come in to the hospital.
We called my mom who was out at Target and asked her to come back to the house to stay with Katie.  I packed the last few toiletries into my hospital bad and we left by around 4:15.  We arrived at the hospital around 4:30, and guess what --- my contractions had stalled again.  The doctor checked me and despite the slow contractions, I was at 6 CM dilation.  He said --- and I quote --- "Well, since you aren't contracting frequently you can go back home if you'd like.  However, you aren't that far away from having a baby in the car if you leave."  Matt looked at me and said --- "We will be staying!"  LOL.  Pretty sure he didn't want to deliver this one on his own.

We were admitted around 5 PM and I thought a few laps of walking around the delivery ward might help get my contractions going.  It worked.  By 6:30 my water broke.  I immediately asked for my epidural because I remembered how much more painful contractions are AFTER your water breaks as compared to before.  Good thing too, because I was already at 8 CM by that point.  I got my epidural --- and proceeded to tell the anesthesiologist he was my FAVORITE person that day.  No joke!  He was my favorite, until around 8:28 PM.

Things were going great.  Right?  But you know --- you can't have a birth story without a little drama.  It wouldn't be normal.  So, a little after 8, I told Matt that I didn't think it would be much longer.  I suggested he get the camera out and ready for when the baby was born.  He took out the camera and was taking a test picture when --- UH OH!  No camera card in the camera.  I went CRAZY!  Certifiably CRAZY!  I told him to leave immediately.  He HAD to go to CVS/Walgreens/Target --- WHATEVER.  This baby was NOT going to be born without pictures.  He tried to tell me the iPad and iPhone pictures would work.  Okay, that was NOT a good idea.  It just made me more NUTTY.  He kept saying "I'm not going to miss the birth because of a camera card."  I told him I would try to hold off until he got back.  (Yes, he was far more sane that me at that moment).  Poor Matt!!

Our L&D nurse (Whitney) overhead the discussion.  She said the hospital had a camera and we were welcome to use the hospital's camera card.  Phew --- boy did she save the day.  Poor Matt was rescued from his insane wife.  LOL!

In the midst of the camera card madness the doctor came in to check me.  Around 8:15/8:20, the doc said "Its time."  So, with one camera card meltdown and a very quick labor --- Jenna Cole Barnes arrived at 8:28 PM. She had an APGAR score of 8/9 and was pronounced perfectly healthy. She looks a bit like her sister Katie, but has Matt's dark hair.  We are so very blessed!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pregnancy Top 10

I'm nearing the end of what will be my last pregnancy.  Well, if this isn't my last pregnancy, then our family planning efforts had an EPIC failure.  As I look back at my experience this time, and last --- I thought it would be fun to do a David Letterman style top 10 of my most favorite and least favorite parts of pregnancy.  If there are any guys out there reading this, you might want to skip this post.  For the ladies, I think you will understand.

TOP 10 Things I will Miss Most About Pregnancy 
1.  Feeling the baby move inside me.  No contest here.  I think its one of the special gifts that God gives mothers (possibly to compensate for some of the items on that second list down there).
2.  Knowing I'm growing a little person.  I mean honestly, it feels like some special super power or something.  Mommies --- we really do have a cool job for 9 months.  Even if we totally give up our bodies to do so.
3.  The Rock-Star parking spots.  Although I probably need the exercise, its really nice to park right in front of my work building and not have to walk 1/3 mile in the cold.  Yes, its nearly 1/3 mile from the parking lot to my normal building.  Also, lots of stores now have these --- and its a nice perk.
4.  Not having to suck in my stomach all day.  Its the one time in life you get to let it all hang out....and not feel bad about it.
5.  FOOD!  I love food when I'm not pregnant.  And somehow everything tastes even better during pregnancy.  Milk and Fruit have been my favorite during both pregnancies.  Although Chocolate/Sweets have run a close second during this one.
6.  My Skin, Nails, & Hair.  I have NO idea what makes everyone's skin and hair so much better during pregnancy.  I'm sure its a combination of the PreNatal vitamins and the crazy hormones.  Either way, I'm pretty sure this is the best my hair and skin will ever get.  Too bad I have to be the size of a blimp to get these benefits.
7.  Kindness.  People are unbelievably kind to pregnant women.  Random strangers give up their seats on a bus, assist you with your bags on an airplane (one flight attendant being an exception there), and are generally just excited/happy for you.  I realize this is a bit old-fashioned, but I love it --- its shows a certain "goodness" in society.
8.  My Hubby.  Matt is a wonderful husband and father.  As I've gotten larger and more uncomfortable, he's done a good job of spoiling and encouraging me.  Spoiling --- by taking over some additional household/Katie responsibilities....and Encouraging me when I feel like an exhausted, ugly, uncoordinated blimp.  
9.  Baby Hiccups --- this could probably fall in with item #1 above.  But the hiccup sensation is really different/odd, and Katie LOVES to feel it.  Definitely her favorite.
10.  Working from home!  This past month of my pregnancy I haven't been able to travel.  Oh my have I become spoiled.  Working from home (full-time) is NICE.  I drop Katie off at school each morning, I can start dinner during the late afternoon, or throw in a load of laundry as needed.  AWESOME!  Wait, let me say that again ---- AWESOME!  I'm going to have a major reality check when I have to go back to driving into the office/flying all over the place.

TOP 10 Things I will NOT Miss Most About Pregnancy 
1.  Sleep!  I'm a stomach sleeper.  PERIOD.  Which means for the last 2-3 months, I haven't been sleeping normally (I might be a bit cranky about it).
2.  CONSTANT bathroom trips!  The first trimester the bathroom trips picked up, then they were somewhat normal during the 2nd, and now in the 3rd trimester its RIDICULOUS!  I'm up 3 to 4 times each night to use the restroom.  
3. My Feet!  I cannot see my feet.  I make the most ridiculous/entertaining site when trying to paint my toenails (especially at 39+ weeks).  
4.  The Triple B!  What is the Triple "B" you might ask?  Boobs, Belly, and Butt.  You can probably add an "H" in there too for my hips --- or maybe a "T" for Thighs.  They all seem to grow to massive proportions while I'm pregnant.  Its yet to be determined whether or not they will return to their normal state.
5.  Back Pain.  I didn't have a great deal of back pain with Katie. Maybe because I didn't go full-term, and because she was TINY!  But this pregnancy my back pain has been quite annoying.  
6.  No Naps.  Second pregnancies are harder.  Part of that is because you have an energizer bunny (aka - Katie) running around like mad, who doesn't take naps, likes to be carried, and expects you be on your "A" game even when you are exhausted.  There has been no time/option for naps this pregnancy -- whereas last time I could be lazy for an entire Saturday if I needed time to recoup.
7.  Waiting.  I was doing great until these last 2 weeks.  But I'm not a very patient person (ask my husband), and waiting for this baby to arrive is about to drive me NUTS!
8.  People Trying to Touch Me!!  In our society there is an unwritten rule of thumb that specifies a 2-3 foot "personal zone."  People somehow forget this rule when you are pregnant --- and they somehow think its okay to touch a STRANGERS stomach.  It hasn't happened as much during my second pregnancy as with the first.  But it is weird.  If I know you, or you are family --- that's one thing.  I let Matt, Katie, and my mom all touch my stomach and feel the babies movements.  However, if you are a random person, why do you think this is okay?
9.  Shaving while pregnant.  I'll just leave it at that.
10.  Food/Drink restrictions.  Specifically caffeine, lunch meat, sushi, and wine --- I'm not sure which of those 4 items I've missed the most....but oh I cannot wait to have them back!  Although the wine will have to wait until after I'm done breastfeeding.

So ladies....did I miss anything?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Brutal Honesty

Katie's pediatrician says that 4 year olds are her favorite.  I don't have enough experience yet with the other ages to say if age 4 is my favorite, but there are definitely some hilarious aspects of dealing with our little 4 year old.

Four year olds are brutally honest creatures.  They have acquired a good vocabulary and communicate extremely well.  The only problem with this --- they have NO filter.  None!  I imagine the Preschool teachers at school (and Kindergarten teachers too) get their ears filled on a daily basis.

Now, you throw in being PREGNANT with a 4 year old in your house and it gets even more interesting.  Below are a few of mine and Katie's conversations over the past couple of months.  There have been TONS, but these are some of the most entertaining....and ones I just couldn't resist documenting (no matter how embarrassing).

Story #1:
I've been on a major clean-up and clean-out mission this past month.  With another little one on the way, I know the "stuff" in our house is about to double.  Quite a few clothes/shoes from my closet were included in the "clean-out" mission.  I bagged everything up and we headed to Goodwill.  Katie asked why we were giving our things away.  I reminded her that while we can't use them any longer, someone else might be able to.  She looked at me and said, "Yeah, maybe somebody that doesn't have a big baby belly can fit into your clothes."

Story #2:
One day, Katie and I were getting ready in the bathroom --- preparing to leave for Preschool.  She likes to put make-up on a "primp" with me.  Randomly she looked up and said, "Mommy, how is the baby going to get out of your tummy?"  I'd been expecting that one, and answered it according to plan.  PHEW!  So glad I had prepped.

Story #3:
Katie, Matt and I went to target a couple weeks ago to stock up on baby supplies (diapers, wipes, etc.).  As we walked in, Katie noticed that the bathing suites were already on the racks for sale.  She looked at a pink striped bikini and said, "Oh mommy, I like this one.  Isn't it pretty?"  Then she looked back at me and said, "Oh wait, you can't fit into this with your big belly.  Come one, I'm sure they have something in here that will fit you."  I looked back at Matt to see what his facial expression was --- he was doing his level best not to laugh.  Of course, when I started giggling --- he felt safe to do the same.

Story #4:
Normally at bedtime, I lay down in Katie's toddler bed with her to read books and snuggle up for bedtime.  The two of us, fitting into a toddler bed when I'm "normal" size is a tight squeeze.  When I'm super pregnant, its virtually impossible.  So, about 2 months ago I stopped laying in the bed with her and just sit in the rocker next to her bed.  She looked at me last week and said, "I'll be glad when the baby gets here and you don't have a big belly anymore.  Then you can lay back down in my bed with me.  I really miss that mommy!"

Katie oscillates between sweet and sassy --- and as Matt's Ganny used to say, she is "So Something."  As my due date gets closer, Katie has begun to ask me "Is the baby coming today?"  And I don't really have an answer for her.  I just say "Well, maybe --- it could be any day now."  She seems to be as anxious as the rest of us.  The last few weeks she has been exhibiting some regression behaviors (i.e. wanting me to rock her in the rocking chair each night before putting her into her bed, asking for her old pacifier --- which she didn't even use as a baby, etc.).  Overall, she's excited about the baby's arrival.  I just hope she transitions to the role of Big Sister relatively easily....

Monday, February 3, 2014

Our Little Swimmer

In December, we enrolled Katie in swim lessons at the YMCA.  She started getting interested in swimming this fall because we would take her to the Y pool on days where it was either too cold or rainy --- just a form of exercise on Yuck-O days when we couldn't got to the park.

Last summer we could barely get her to put her face in the water.  This fall her mindset changed.  She was actually interested in trying swimming ---- and willing to put her face in the water (with goggles mind you).  So, we thought we would give swimming lessons a second try.  The first time we attempted lessons was right before she turned 3 and it did NOT go well!

With Katie, 90% of the battle with new activities/lessons is getting her there and getting her started in the class.  She is extremely reluctant to new environments and very cautious/hesitant.  She fusses, cries and drags her heals about getting dressed, going, and actually participating.  The first swimming lesson at the Y was no different.  Our saving grace was that once she made it to the pool area, she spotted two girls (twins) from her preschool.  After she realized they were in her class ---- everything changed.  And I'm so happy it did.

Katie is now LOVING swim lessons!  She goes two evenings a week --- and then begs us to go to the pool at least once each weekend.  I can't believe the progress that she has made in 6 short weeks of lessons --- and I'm so thrilled we decided to enroll her.  There is a junior swim team called "PUPS" that meets right after her lessons.  She is so enamored by them, she always asks to stay and watch for a little while.  She asked me on the way home last week when she could join "PUPS".  I told her she needed another year or two of practice, but with some hard work she could join.  We'll see what happens ---- and if her interest in swimming sticks or fades.  At this point, I'm just grateful that she's a little more independent in the water. Otherwise, visits to the pool will be NUTS trying to maintain some water safety with 2 kids!

Here are a couple videos of Katie "swimming" at the end of December!  :-)  FYI, that is the deep end of the pool (she can't stand up).  Not exactly Michael Phelps here, but trust me --- its major progress.  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Christmas Eve and Day

I probably reiterated this about 1000 times over the holiday season, but Christmas through a child's eyes is amazing!  There is a little magic there that, as a realistic (somewhat cynical at times) adult, you just wish you could go back to.  I love it!  So, here's the recap on our Christmas fun...even if I'm a month late in posting it.

The afternoon of Christmas Eve we headed to church.  When we returned, Nana and Papa had arrived from Woolwine as they were spending the night with us.  We had a nice Christmas Eve dinner, and then got into our PJs for Santa Prep and other Christmas Eve activities.

We always bake cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve and make food for his reindeer (carrots and celery).  Then we get into our pajamas and read "Twas the Night Before Christmas".  After cookies and milk are laid out ---- we head to bed.  Matt and I thought that two things would happen on Christmas Eve due to Katie's OUT OF CONTROL excitement:  1)  She might still be awake at 10 PM    2)  She might get up at 5 AM.

Amazingly, she was out like a light at about 8:30 ---- and didn't get up until 7:30 the next morning.  COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!  It was a good thing she went to bed on-time though, because mommy and daddy were up until about midnight wrapping and assembling various presents.  I cannot imagine what bedtime will be for us once 2 kiddos are in the mix.  Shesh!

Christmas morning came.....and guess what, the big guy didn't disappoint.  :-)  Katie was thrilled with all her presents and she, of course, got entirely too many.  This year we also let Katie do some shopping on her own (at the Dollar Tree store).  I wanted her to start learning the value of gift giving....not just receiving.  I was surprised at how good/thoughtful her gifts were.  For Nana, she got candy and warm socks.....because "Nana's feet are always cold."  For Papa she picked out lotion and a clown headed crazy pen.....because "he always says his hands need lotion, and the Pen is a little Silly like him."  Oh, how the mind of a 4 year old works!  

After presents were opened, my parents headed home to Woolwine to visit my grandmother and my brother.  We stayed in Roanoke and just enjoyed the day.  As a parent, Christmas Day and the few days that follow are probably some of the easiest days to care for a preschooler.  Katie was so enamored by all her toys that she would just sit in her play room for HOURS playing with each new item.  Matt and I thought --- should be interrupt this and try to get her outside or engage her in some play.  NAH!  Let's just enjoy the PEACE and QUIET.  Plus, we wanted to play with our new toys as well.  It was a very low-key, relaxing, family day.