Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Snow

We had a rather late season snow storm hit Roanoke this weekend.  It started around 10 on Sunday morning and continued with conditions worsening through the day.
Katie and I stayed home most of the day because we didn't really want to tackle the roads, etc.  Matt left the house to study around 10:30 and came back in the late afternoon (around 4:30).  Unfortuately the roads were so bad by 4:30 that he couldn't get up the hill into the neighborhood.  He had to park his car at K-mart and walk home. 
Katie was able to play in the snow a couple of times yesterday afternoon.  I was getting her 3T snowsuit out when she handed me her old 2T suit saying "I want to wear this one mommy."  The 2T suit is about 4 inches too short -- which apparently doesn't matter to Miss Katie.  She looks so ridiculous!  But I figured, why battle over it.  So here she is, in her riduculously too small snowsuite.   
Side Note: The fact that I still have a 2T snowsuit in her closet shows how behind I am on putting her clothes away into rubbermaid bins.  My own lazyness comes back to bite me - ha!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

They're Alive!!

I wrote this blog post last week and just never got around to posting it.  So, here it is....a week late.  :-)
This past week was as crazy as expected.  My business trip went well and I am grateful to be home.  Matt was 100% in charge while I was gone (no help from Nana...or anyone else).  He told me before I left that his goal was to "keep both he and Katie alive."  He is a low expectations kind of guy.

I have to give Matt some serious credit for a job well done being a single daddy.  He made dinner (homemade baked ziti) by himself, researched art projects, and fit in snowman play time.  The picture below shows the rainbow project the two of them completed while I was traveling.  Katie was so proud to show it to me when I got home.  He also managed the whole morning routine of breakfast, getting dressed, packing lunch, and off to preschool.  Two thumbs up Daddy!!!

I missed Matt and Katie so much while I was gone.  Katie's nighttime prayer said it all the other night when I returned.  She said, "Dear God, please bless mommy.  Please keep her safe, healthy, and happy.  Also, please let her stay here with me all day we can play together.  Oh yeah, and Daddy too!  Amen." 
Being a full-time working mommy, my guilt really kicks in when I hear prayers like that one.  Especially after the long week of travel I had.  But, we are making this crazy situation work the best we can.  I keep trying to convince myself that Katie is all the better for having an involved mommy, daddy, and nana.  Each of us try to give her our focus during the time we have with her.  I just hope its true.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Birthday Boy

We had a plan for Matt's birthday.  A great plan.  It is his spring break this week.  We were going to meet his family in Richmond yesterday for a family birthday party.  Then leave today for Baltimore.  The plan was to take Katie on her 1st real train ride, and then to the Baltimore Aquariam.  A good plan.  A good birthday.

And work schedule got in the way.  I had to cancel our vacation.  I'll be traveling to 4 cities in 4 days (Roanoke, Nashville, Philly, Richmond, Roanoke).  Add in a winter storm brewing and I give it a 60% chance I'll get STUCK somewhere.  Meanwhile, Katie and Matt will be in Roanoke by themselves (not on our fun trip to Baltimore).  But, I'm not bitter.  I promise. 
Okay.  Moving on from that.  We made a new plan.  A family weekend in Roanoke, with special birthday fun for daddy.  Katie and I started the "project" of baking daddy's cake on Saturday.  We also made homemade icing...a first for both of us.  Who doesn't have memories of licking the mixer sticks when they were a kid?

On Sunday, we had a few family fun activities planned for the afternoon.  Then, Matt wanted to go out to Kabuki for dinner.  Katie was a little freaked out by the fact that her food was on fire at one point in the meal.  But, she thought it was pretty cool that the chef let Daddy catch shrimp in his mouth.  Also, I couldn't believe it -- but she ate her dinner with chopsticks.  After dinner, we came home for cake and presents. 

Despite the major change in plans, this weekend was wonderful.  It is SO rare that we have a full weekend of family time and I enjoyed every single minute of the last 2 days.  I just hope Matt enjoyed the weekend as much as I did.  We will have to make time in the coming weeks for a full family get together.

The Queen

One of my favorite things about having a 3 year old is the hilarious conversations.  I truly NEVER know what Katie will say next.  A couple fun stories from the last couple weeks are below.

First One
Papa calls Katie "Queen Kathleen" or just "The Queen" for short. 

Katie:   "Mommy, Papa says I'm a Queen." 
Me:      "Yes, you are his Queen Kathleen." 
Katie:   "Since I'm a Queen, I think I need my own castle."
Me:      "What kind of castle?"
Katie:   "I think that should be our next project.  We need to build me a castle."
Me:      "Okay, we will make that our next project."

I guess I'll need a really big cardboard box in order to make our Queen a Castle.  Papa, since you gave her the nickname, I'm putting that on your assignment list. 

Second One:
Katie is sometimes resistant to washing her hands after she uses the potty.  She also forgets to say "please" when asking for things.

Katie (right after using the potty):     "Mommy, can I have some more teddy grahams?"
Daddy:     "Katie, you can't have any food until you wash your hands."
Katie:       "Now Daddy, you didn't say please.  So, I'm not going to wash my hands until you can ask me
                 nicely with a PLEASE."
Daddy:     "Katie, Will you please go wash your hands?"
Katie:       "Well of course I will, now that you said please."

She's a sassy little thing some days.  Wonder where she gets that from?!?!  :-)