Saturday, August 12, 2017

Topsail 2017

I read an article recently called "18 Summers - That's all you get."  The purpose was to remind parents that the time we have with our little ones is fleeting.  There are days when I do a good job of remembering that advice, and days were my patience is slim to none.

One of my goals for our 18 summers is to take a family beach trip each year.  This year we returned to Topsail Beach, NC as part of our summer fun.  We had a wonderful trip and below are a few things I want to document and remember for years to come.

 - Jenna does not walk.  She skips, gallops, and runs --- But doesn't walk.  Even strangers comment.
 - Katie is great at making new friends.  She made 4 new friends this week and was so sad to say goodbye.
 - Rainy days at the beach are good, as long as they are few in number.
 - My kids hate sunscreen.  The smell, the oily feel, the fact that sand sticks to it, and the process of applying it.
 - The girls could search for shells for hours.  And they appreciate entirely different types of shells.  Jenna loves all the oyster shells, Katie prefers the smooth, worn stones.
 - Jenna has one volume.  LOUD!
 - Katie has an eagle eye.  She was the only person to find a shark's tooth --- in fact, she found 3!!!
 - No more floaties!  Jenna is now independent in the water.  She was even diving in the 5 ft. for dive toys.  (This terrifies me!)
 - We didn't Putt-Putt.  How did I fail on this one?!?!
 - We did enjoy ice cream.  More than once.
 - Jenna likes the pool.  Katie likes the beach.
 - The girls slept until 8:30 or later almost every single day.  They are going to rock sleeping-in when they are teenagers.
 - The girls fight - over the most inconsequential things.  Like who will press the elevator buttons.  Not kidding!  They also love each other (when not fighting).