Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall Festival

This will just be a posting of pictures.  Its nearly midnight and I've been going all day.  So much fun though - enjoying this beautiful fall day with my little family!!  Love this picture below because it marks the first time Katie has ever let someone paint her face.  She was a little nervous until her preschool classmate Stella went first, then Katie decided it was safe territory.

Part of the fall festival was a petting zoo.  Now, I expected a bunny or maybe a pony.  But, a chicken?  Seriously?  Most of the chickens I've seen do one of two things when people are near....RUN or FLOG!  I couldn't believe how calm these two chickens were. 

I actually got to meet Katie's Preschool classmate Stella and her parents today.  These two girls just look happy, don't they!  :-)

This one might be my favorite picture of the day!

After we got home from the festival, we finally got around to turning our Pumpkin into a Jack-O-Lantern.  Despite her smiling face in the picture below....Katie was rather grossed out by the "stringy, spaghetti stuff" and seeds inside the pumpkin.  So Matt and I did most of the pumpkin cleaning.  She did have a fun time picking what shapes to use for the eyes, nose and mouth.  And of course, we have a Happy Pumpkin.  She said she didn't want a Spooky Pumpkin or an Angry Pumpkin.

So much for only posting pictures.  HA! Our finished product below...

Pumpkin Patch 2012

I missed my usual weekend post last week, so I'm catching up a bit.  Last weekend Matt, Katie and I headed to the Pumpkin Patch.  We are new to Roanoke - in a family sense - so we had to research the Pumpkin Patches.  Based on online reviews, we selected a location called Leyman Farms located between Bedford and Roanoke. 

When we arrived I was pleasantly surprised at how large, well organized, and popular the farm was.  They had so many nice games for kids to include a HUGE Pillow (similar concept to a bouncy house), a corn pit, a cow barrell train, horse swings, a tunnel slide, farm animals, and much more! 

After playing several of the games/rides we finally convinced  Katie it was time to hop onto the tractor and ride out to the Pumpkin Patch.  She took her time selecting her pumpkin, but finally made a great selection.
Finally we headed back for lunch and dessert.  While we were eating I spotted a sign advertising FRIED Oreos for dessert.  I had never even heard of a fried Oreo before, so I told Matt I just HAD to try them.  What is a fried Oreo, you might ask?  Well, you dip an Oreo in funnel cake batter and deep fry it.  It comes out looking like a round ball of dough - of course with a chocolate cookie inside.  Me and my little sweet tooth enjoyed those immensely.
Katie spent the last week asking when we were going to make her Jack-O-Lantern.  More of those pictures coming in the next blog post....which I will hopefully get around to tomorrow. 

This last picture is SO Katie!  She really is such a sweet little girl....and yet every once in a while, totally full of mischief.  She just looks like she is plotting something here.  Love it!

 Probably the funniest thing about our trip last weekend was our total lack of preparation!  We knew it was going to be a bit cooler, but didn't realize it would be FREEZING on the Leyman Farm.  I had packed long sleeves and a blanket for Katie, but not an actual coat.  So, here I go 5 minutes after our arrival - back out to the local Dollar Store to buy all of us coats/sweatshirts.  So, while Katie's hot pink coat with butterflies is not my favorite on the style charts, it DID keep her warm....which was the point.  Oh well....its a memory, right?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Woolwine OctoberFest

This weekend we joined my Papa, Grandma (Gigi), Aunt Connie, Cousins Angie & Walter, and Angie's little ones at the Woolwine Octoberfest.  The festival is a fund raiser for the local fire department.  The events include apple butter making, bean bag toss (that's cornhole for you adults), toe-tapping Bluegrass music, and yummy homemade food/treats. 

I was worried that the large crowd would intimidate Katie and she wouldn't get off my lap the entire time.  As always - she's 100% unpredictable.  When other kids are around, she is much more brave than normal.  I was shocked!  She spent all day chasing her older cousins around - especially Allie.  They ran, played, danced, ate - then did it all again.  Katie even danced on the stage in front of everyone....pretty amazing for a kid who is "scared of people."

One my favorite parts of being back in Roanoke is that we get to see Katie's cousins on my mom's side of the family more often.  My grandmother was especially pleased.  With the crazy schedules we all have, it can be difficult to get everyone together.  On Saturday, Gigi had time to watch all 3 of her great-granchildren play together - and spend time with each of them.  A pretty special day!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Apple Pickin

Since I only have about 3 days a week with Katie and Matt, I try and plan some family fun each weekend.  I know the first weekend in October is a little late for Apple Pickin, but I thought we would give it a shot.  Katie has been learning all about Johnny Appleseed at school - so I thought some real life apple picking would be perfect.

I found an orchard online called Johnson's Orchard in Bedford, VA.  We drove the 35 minutes out to the farm and what do we see when we drive up?  A huge statue of Johnny The Appleseed.  Oh - Katie's face was just priceless.  She immediately started singing the Johnny Appleseed song she had learned at school and saying "Mommy, I want to go play with him!" 

Its a good thing that Mr. Johnny Appleseed was there, because otherwise I think the trip might have been a BUST.  Turns out, the apple harvest happened about 3 weeks earlier than normal this year.  When we arrived there was a sign posted saying "No more u-pick-them apples."  I thought I must be mistaken....but no!  UGH!! 

When I inquired about the many trees I saw outside with fresh, ripe apples still available - I was informed those were reserved for several upcoming school field trips this week.  DOUBLE UGH!!!  Meanwhile, my 3 year keeps asking when she can go pick her apples....because that's what I've promised for the last 30 minute car trip.

So, I start to explain to Katie why she won't be able to pick any apples off the trees.....instead we will get some out of the apples crates (pre-picked).  I'm doing my absolute best to keep Katie from being disappointed when a lady who worked at the orchard, overhearing our conversation, finally took pity on us.  She directed us to a small couple of trees off the beaten path where Katie could pick one or two apples. (WHEW!!!!!).  At that point, the afternoon was saved - as Katie was able to pick a whopping 2 apples from the tree.

 The orchard really was quite cute.  They had several farm animals - Katie's two favorites were the peacocks and chickens.  My favorite part was "Johnny's House"  (aka - the bathroom).  Seriously, it was a fully plumbed bathroom which looked like an outhouse - and quite appropriately named Johnny's House.  Pretty funny actually....wish I had gotten a picture of it.  Next year we will definitely go back, just a little earlier in the season to be sure there are apples available.