Our Christmas began Christmas Eve night when Bob, Coral, and Jake joined us for dinner at 1903 Colgate. We had a nice meal together and said our goodbyes until the next morning. Below are a couple pictures from the night.
After opening presents at our house we headed over to Bob and Coral's for Christmas breakfast and celebration #2 of the day. Katie spent most of the time in her bouncer, trying to chew on most of her gifts.
On our way home from celebration #2....we decided to crash another family's Christmas morning. Matt's friend Trevor was only in town for a couple of days and only available on December 25th. So, we stopped by his house Christmas morning so Trevor and his wife Natalie could meet Katie. I just had to post a picture of Trevor and Miss Katie together! :-) Thanks Trevor and Natalie for letting us crash...
On December 26th we packed up and headed to the farm to see Ganny, Rob, Kat, Claire, The Eisenburgs, and the Rozakis family. It was quite the crowd at the farm and I was so excited that Katie got to see everyone!

Finally, on the evening of December 26th we arrived at my parents house. Unfortunately I don't have many pictures of the evening because our celebration was cut a little short. I hope to have some good pics in the new year with Grandma and Grandpa Brammer!