At almost 11 months Katie LOVES to explore anything and everything in the house. She opens cabinet doors, drawers, the refrigerator....she especially likes to take all the books off the bookshelves. You name it, and she's into it! Below are a few pictures of Katie on some of her adventures.
This one is a picture of her in Best Buy. We went to buy a new computer a couple weeks ago and Katie thought the boxes on the shelves were her personal playground. Sounds funny, but try picking out a new computer while your 10 month old is attempting to climb everything in the store.

Hmmm...these cabinets look interesting. Wonder what's behind this door?

The exploration into the refrigerator/freezer is 100% my fault. With Matt working evenings, I have to find ways to occupy Katie while I cook dinner. One day I opened the frig while she was sitting on the floor and she crawled over and started exploring. I thought, what's the harm in letting her play here for a few minutes while I prep and cook. Now its a habit.Yes, mom. You will have to pick up the 20 things I drag out of this cabinet and put them back at least 4 times today. :-)
And let's not forget the book shelves below the TV.....Katie's personal favorite! I put a good selection of her books downstairs for easy access. Turns out they are easily accessible to Katie as well! :-)
I'm so please Katie is becoming more interested in books! She will pick up a book and hand it to you as if to say "please read this to me." Her favorite right now is Brown Bear Brown Bear and Pajama Time. I'm pretty sure I read Brown Bear 9 times today....sort of lost count after 6.