Along with your child beginning to walk comes the inevitable boo-boos. You expect the occassional skinned knee, or a bruised shin. Well, Miss Katie goes all out when she has a boo-boo. Thursday evening while practicing her new walking moves, she fell on our hardwood floors and broke her right arm. Mom rushed Katie to the St. Mary's ER and I met them there. Matt happened to be working in the ER that night and ended up taking Katie's X-rays with one of his co-workers. After only 2 shots - of the 4 that were initially ordered - Matt could tell it was broken so we didn't bother with the others. The ER doctor discharged Katie with a splint and referred us to the pediatric Orthopedist the next day.
So, we put Katie to bed on Thursday night and were at the Ortho doc's office at 8:30 the next morning to get Katie a cast. Everthing was going really well and we were about to leave when I looked down at Katie's casted arm and realized....that's not her right arm.....that's her left. Yep - they casted the wrong arm!!!! And all 4 people that were in the room (me and Matt included) missed it. So, they came back in, casted the right arm, then had to saw off the cast they had just put on her left arm. Amazingly - Katie didn't make a fuss about any of the cast shennanigans. She actually seemed curious about the saw, and I thought she would be terrified.
So we arrived back home yesterday with our Katie sporting her helmet and a rather large pink cast. Boy do we get some stares in public! As if the helmet alone isn't enough.
Also a bit shocking - Katie doesn't seemed phased by her fall. In fact, she seems more motivated now than ever to walk as the cast has restricted her mobility for crawling.
Now, a blog post wouldn't be completed without some pictures/videos of Katie....so here we go. Some of these are before the cast, some are after.