Last summer, Nana was living in the apartment complex next door to us. Her apartment complex had a very nice pool.....and we took full advantage over the summer. This year - since Nana's gone - we decided to bite the bullet and join a pool nearby the house. Its been a good investment, because Katie loves going.

The place we joined has a nice sized Kiddie Pool - which I thought would be perfect. Unfortunately, Katie rarely plays in it. She always says "Get in big pool, mommy. Get in big pool!" Either way, its been so much fun for our whole family. Matt and I have enjoyed it probably as much as Katie has.
My mom says I was a complete dare devil at Katie's age. I would get a running start and jump into the pool. Katie's not quite that adventurous......she's a much more cautious personality than her mama. She will jump in, but it requires alot of encouragement and I have to be right there holding her.
Another funny little story......Yesterday while we were at the pool, the sun went behind the clouds. Right after it did, Katie looked at me and asked me to turn the lights back on. :-) Really wish I would have gotten that on video.