This past weekend we headed back to Woolwine for GG's birthday. I decided to take Friday off too so Matt and I could get our taxes done and also check out some preschools in the Roanoke area. FYI - anyone who has recommendations on Roanoke schools...please send them my way. We were quite impressed with the school we toured, but would like to tour at least 3 places before making a final decision.

Friday brought CRAZY weather to southwestern Virginia. In the early morning it was extremely warm. As the day progressed a cold front, rain, hail, and extreme winds moved into the area. Before the cold front moved through we got Katie outside as much as possible.....to include a trip to the creek. She threw about 1000 rocks into the water and asked me to catch her some "creek crabs" (aka - crawdads).

On Saturday, my Dad's brother Troy was honored with a Pioneer of Blue Grass music award. We went to the Music Festival and got to spend a little time listening to him play the banjo. Katie LOVED the music and had a great time dancing.

Finally on Sunday it was time for the birthday fun. Nana, Papa, Katie, me, and Gigi met up with the rest of the family. We had a nice meal, did gifts, and of course....all the great-grandkids enjoyed helping GIGI blow out her candles. It was so nice to have the family together - and I think GIGI really enjoyed it too. We all love you very much GIGI!!!