We waited a long time for winter to begin this year. December was a record for warm temperatures. I'm pretty sure we could have cooked our Christmas Turkey on the grill outdoors. But once mother nature took a turn for colder weather, she didn't mess around. Our first big storm of the year brought us about a foot of snow...official totals have been hard to measure due to drifting.
So many adults hate the snow. They view it as the absolute inconvenience. And, in some ways it certainly is. But I cannot help but LOVE the white stuff. With the snow comes snuggling under blankets with my girls, warm cups of hot chocolate, sledding, snowball fights, and homemade soup. Matt, quite possibly, loves the snow more than me. As I type, he is absolutely itching to get out and drive in this weather even though we do not have a 4 wheel drive vehicle.
This snow was Jenna's first real experience with snow, sledding, and all the trimmings. Katie is an old pro, and enjoys it as much as Matt and I. But Jenna is still a little tentative. She will go outside with us, stomp around, help clean cars. But she wasn't crazy about sledding.

With a late start to winter, this may be our only shot at snow play. So, we are trying to enjoy each moment.