Over the past couple weeks my dad and grandmother, Katie's grandpa and great-grandmother, have been in town visiting. Katie has thoroughly enjoyed all the special attention, and seems to be thriving while they're here. Below are a few of the latest things Katie's been up to...
- Crawling
- Cutting 4 new teeth on top. 2 are already through the gumline, 2 almost there.
- Pulling up on anything/everything she can find.
- Getting a sore on her forehead which got infected....and as a result required her to take her 1st anti-biotic. This whole issue could have been avoided if she didn't have the stinky, sweaty helmet...ugh!
- Eating finger food....primarily just puffs and Cherios.
- Clapping
Katie is at a phase where she loves to have a cabinet, basket, or bag full of objects which she pulls out one by one and examines (usually by putting it into her mouth). She especially likes to bang the objects together, or throw them on the ground. Below are a couple pictures of her playing in the pots/pans.
Playing outside at the park...

Bath time continues to be one of Katie's favorite parts of the day. The picture below and the video were taken right after her bath a few nights ago.
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