As and adult, you forget about the simple pleasures of life. Probably because we are all so busy with work, house chores, and various responsibilities. When you have a child you are reminded of the simple things that can bring so much joy. One of Katie's favorite things right now is bubbles. Yes, bubbles! All the baby books recommend bubbles as a fun, inexpensive activity and I can see why. You can get a gallon size container for about $3.00.....and Katie absolutely LOVES them!
For Katie's first birthday Aunt Sally gave her a bubble making machine. Aunt Sally may have been thinking of me and Matt as much as Katie with this gift....its very tiring blowing bubbles continuously. Either way, the machine has been quite a hit. Almost every day, weather permitting, we take a trip onto the deck and within seconds Katie will say "bubbl - bubbl" -- requesting the bubble machine be turned on. I used our bubble time today as another opportunity to get some pictures with the new camera.
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