Christmas Eve we headed to off to St. Matthew's - our church here in Richmond - with my family. Nana, Papa, and Greatgrandma Lucy spent Christmas in Richmond this year. It was so wonderful to have them at our home!
It was extremely difficult to get a good picture of Katie with Nana, Papa, and GreatGrandma. All she wanted to do was investigate Nana's earrings.
On Christmas morning, Katie woke at about 6:30 (she normall wakes up anywhere from 6:30 to 7:15). Matt and I put her into bed with us for about 10-15 minutes of snuggle time, then headed downstairs to open our stockings. Katie had to stop and check out the tree before stocking time started.
Katie had NO problems figuring out the stocking process. She even helped Matt and I open ours. She also didn't seem to mind that all of her stocking stuffers were extremely practical gifts - Desitin, Bath soap, Baby Lotion, and a car window tint. Oh - and a slinky. She really does like the slinky.
After we opened our stockings and had our Christmas breakfast, my family arrived. We opened presents and left quite a mess. FYI - Katie is responsible for the packing peanuts being all of the floor.
On Christmas night, snow started to fall and it continued through the next day. I still can't believe we actually had a White Christmas here in Richmond. Katie's face says it all....
The best part of Christmas 2010 - its not over yet. We still have a few more family celebrations to go. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the family over the next week. Love and Happy Holidays to everyone!
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