I've been an absent blogger over the past couple weeks....my apologies! We've been traveling each of the last 3 weekends which hasn't left much time for blogging. Also, Katie has had both strep throat and the flu over the last couple weeks.....so getting her healthy has been the highest priority. Long story short....time to play catch up!

A couple weeks ago Katie had a playdate weekend. On Saturday, Aunt Katherine kept Katie while Matt and I attended the Tech/UVA basketball game in Charlottesville. It was a great chance for the cousins to play together....in their matching UVA attire! :-) You can see how much fun they had. I just love these 2 little girls!
Kat told Claire to put her arm around Katie....she's such a good big cousin! :)
Then on Sunday afternoon Katie and I headed over to my friend Niki's house. Niki's little boy Ryan is 2 1/2 and her daughter Annika is 6 months. Ryan and Katie played well together - minus the occassional sharing issues (and of course, subsequent tantrum over having to share). Katie is NOT very good about sharing a toy she really likes. Fortunately, Ryan has a bit more experience.
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