I'm a couple weeks behind on my blog posts because work has been very busy lately. I'll be working 3 out of 5 weekends due to server moves and database upgrades throughout April. So - bare with me on the tardy posts.

Two weeks ago, Katie got her first haircut.....which only took us 19 months! :-) Her hair on top is still growing in, but the mullet in the back was getting out of control. So, we packed her up on Saturday afternoon and headed over to "Pigtails and Crewcuts" - a kids salon nearby our home. Now, when you grow up in Woolwine, Virginia there are no such things as Kids Only hair salons. You just went with your mom to the nice lady down the street who did hair cuts in her basement (like Mrs. McAlexander). Needless to say, I was a bit curious. Also, I wasn't sure if Katie would cry the entire time or if she would love it. You can see from the picture below, she was a little unsure at first.

The chairs at the salon resemble the model cars which we had to put a quarter in as kids to ride. (For those of you who don't have young kids....those cars aremore like $.75 these days). Katie got to pick between a fire truck and a yellow taxi cab. She picked the fire truck! :-) So I picked her up, put her in the truck, and the haircut was over within about 5 minutes. Katie didn't cry once and I was so proud of her. The nice lady who cut Katie's hair took a special picture of her and preserved Katie's golden locks in a zip lock baggie. Finally, Katie got to pick a prize from the treasure chest as a reward for being so good during her hair cut.

Here she is on Sunday morning before church with her new do......isn't she cute! :-) I just love this little girl to pieces!

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