Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Historic Snow

Don't have much time, but I wanted to post some pictures from the snow storm that arrived 3 days after Jenna was born (February 12/13).  Our final measurement at the house here was between 20 and 21 inches.
Katie and Daddy had a blast playing, shoveling, sledding, etc. Jenna and I mostly stayed indoors, although I did venture out a couple of times just to experience 20+ inches.  Matt and I remember a snow storm in Philly that was between 17 and 18 inches, but this one was the largest he can ever remember.

Originally I was schedule to be induced on Tuesday the 11th, and sent home from the hospital on Thursday the 13th.  What a mess that would have been!  I'm very grateful that Jenna came on Sunday instead of waiting for induction day.

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