Friday, April 24, 2015

Jenna's Growth

I have been so very negligent with blog posting the past several months.  Between our move, job changes, travel to Richmond and other places, and my dad's health issues --- blog posting has been far down on the list of priorities.

It is such a cliche that the second kid gets the shaft --- no pictures, no documentation, etc.  So, in an effort to treat my girls equally, I'm going to try and catch up on some of Jenna's growth and milestones.  As well as some of the other events in The Barnes Family.

Jenna's 12 Month Statistics:

Weight:  22.6 lbs. (55%)
Height:   30.75 inches (90%)
Head Circum:    18 inches (55%)

12 Month Activities:

- Walking
- Climbing
- Saying a few words (Mama, Dada, Nana, WaWa (Water), Bye-Bye)
- Sleeping Habits:  Takes two naps daily (about 1.5 hours each).  Sleeps nightly from 7:30 - 6:30.
- Hesitant with strangers
- Favorite Books:  5 Little Ducks, Wheels on The Bus, Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear --- and several others.
- Eats everything (especially paper --- board books are a favorite)
- Loves Water!!!! This includes toilet water.  So, if you visit our house and the toilet seats are locked, you will understand why.
- Favorite activities:  Reading, Peek-A-Boo, Playing Ball, Bathtime (again, the water)

Jenna is a busy baby, highly social, and loves her family --- especially her big sister.  She watches Katie so intently, and tries so hard to keep up with her.

The pictures in this post were taken on Jenna's first birthday.  Some with "Big Bear" and some while we celebrated.  She HATED the icing on the cupcake!!

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