Sunday, October 23, 2016

Swim Team

At the beginning of the school year, Katie and I discussed which fall sports she wanted to participate in. Options included soccer, dance, swimming, and gymnastics......and Katie chose swimming. I wasn't terribly surprised as its probably her favorite sport. She's tried others, but always comes back to swimming.  And frankly, given her back issues --- I was just grateful she didn't pick gymnastics.

For those of you who have not participated in swim teams/swim meets, its NUTS!  As a kid, I tried almost every sport imaginable, and attended virtually any sporting event I could.  And yet, I'm still amazed at these swim meets.  At our last home meet, our team alone had over 200 kids swimming (with 3 other teams there as well).  The indoor events only allow about 50-100 spectators into the pool at a time (due to capacity constraints) so there is a constant flow of people coming in to see swimmers, and people going out when their swimmers are finished.

And then there are the little kids.  You probably think I'm referring to Katie's age group.  But no.  There are some as little as 5 out there.  I just love the "little kids."  Some are totally awesome and can probably already outswim me.  And some can barely make it down the length of the pool.  Oh, but those sweet little faces when they get to the end.  Just amazing!

A full swim meet will often take 6 hours (fortunately, the younger kids are only the 1st half).  Thank goodness!  The noise level is off the charts.  And you have to bring enough snacks to feed an army (swimming does make you hungry, after all).  Its an interesting sport.  One that Katie has allowed me to learn along with her.

One of the best parts of this year's swim team --- Cousin Claire and Katie are on the same team!  A couple of these pics are from their first swim meet together.  So, so much fun!!

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