Katie is beginning 3rd grade and its a year of changes. Parent volunteers are no longer encouraged in the classroom and a high degree of student independence is expected. I can already tell it will be a year of significant growth and lofty academic expectations. Katie is taking it all in stride and doesn't seem too concerned about --- well --- any of it. LOL!!! She is happily existing in the land of 8 year-old obliviousness. Nana and I are both Type-A personalities and it drives us crazy when Katie forgets some item of homework. Katie, meanwhile, is like "its fine --- I'll just get it tomorrow." AHHHH! Are you kidding me?!?!? But, she's happy and off to a great start!! I know it will be a challenge, but I'm hopeful for a good school year.
She has so many friends from last year in her class, and even one of our close neighbors. She loves her teacher and the year is already off to a good start. Here's hoping it stays on track.
I often tell people how many young families there are in our neighborhood. Our bus stop and one other down the street fill up an entire bus. No joke! I love having so many families and playmates for our girls!! Included below is one picture of all the kids at our bus stop --- as well as a couple of others with our cul-de-sac crew on the way to the bus stop. Notice Jenna's ride?!?! LOL!
Oh Jenna, My Jenna ---- This girl is something!
She's headed back to preschool this year, but at a new location. This year will be 3 day 3's --- with a longer day. Preschool runs from 9:30-12:30, then she stays for Lunch Bunch from 12:30-2. She is learning about alphabet soup, congo line with letters, and so much more.
The teachers of Jenna's preschool asked parents to write an "All About Me" letter to help them get to know each child a bit better. As I wrote the letter it because even more apparent to me what a HAPPY child Jenna is. Don't get me wrong, she has her tantrums and fits like every other child. But, most days --- she is just happy. Each day she wakes up talking and ready to start the day. She sees the good in everything, and has such a kind nature about her. She is fiercely independent, and still chasing Big Sis.
If I could alter one thing, I would ask her to just TAKE A BREATH. I don't think she stops talking for a full minute at any point during the day. And she is LOUD. Always! I had to laugh when she came home from preschool and told me that they learned about inside voices (good for the classroom) and outside voices (good for the playground) one day at school. I'm pretty sure that lesson was dedicated to her. LOL!
Here's hoping for a wonderful year of Preschool for you Miss Jenna!!

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