Thursday, December 12, 2013

Baby #2

I realized a couple weeks ago that this second pregnancy is FLYING by and I've documented very little of it.  In fact, someone said "So, when do I get to see some baby belly pics on your blog?"  And I thought --- how about never?  LOL!

** 19 Weeks **

The truth is, I'm much bigger this pregnancy than I was last one.  Considering the fact that Katie was 5 lbs and some change --- I'm taking the larger size as a good thing.  But honestly, I'm HUGE!  I've had 2 people in the last week ask me if I was due at Christmas.  Well no, I actually have a good 5-6 weeks to go after that.  And I'm really looking forward to those waddling weeks. :-)

** 26 Weeks **

The other side of me realizes this is my last pregnancy and I want to soak up every single precious moment!!!  I want to remember that I first felt this baby move around 15/16 weeks --- those tiny little flutters/kicks which are the best feeling in the world.  I want to remember that Katie loves talking to her sister and saying good morning to her when she first wakes up --- and that she can't wait to teach her how to sit, laugh, walk, and talk.  I want to remember that I've flown thousands of miles during this pregnancy --- and that this baby has kicked its way through virtually ALL of them.  I want to remember that this baby rarely gets the hiccups, while Katie had them almost every day.  I want to remember that I had to get out of bed at least 3 times each night to go to the bathroom (Okay, maybe not that part!).

** 29 Weeks -- My Birthday! **

So -- I'm taking my pictures and even sharing a few, regardless of how I look.  Because one day, I know there will be a little girl who will enjoy seeing pictures of when she was in mommy's belly.  And then, I won't care about what a HOT MESS I am.  I'll just be grateful I have her.

 ** 30 Weeks **

 ** 32 Weeks **

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