Sunday, December 1, 2013

Big Thanks!!

I want to say a special Thank You to some of the folks who sent care packages to Katie for her surgery.  First, Auntie Mary Lynn and Uncle Mike --- you were both so kind to mail a package down to Katie.  The picture below shows her opening her gifts from her hospital room.  She was SOOO excited about the Lalaloopsy and Baby Alive Doll!!  This was the first smile we had seen in several hours!!!

Second I want to say a special Thank You to Katie's Preschool classmates, teachers, and directors.    They went absolutely above and beyond what I could have imagined.  The care package all of you put together included everything from pajamas and fuzzy slippers, to snacks, to art supplies, to a "KATIE" banner --- cheering her on for a successful surgery and recovery.  :-)
All the students got together at lunch time to wish her luck Wednesday (the day prior to surgery).  It was so sweet!  And despite Katie's overall reluctance to have the surgery, you all made her feel special and a little more comfortable.  Love this picture of the Pre-K girls!!!  Priceless!!

Below are a few pictures of Katie enjoying the goodies from her care package.  She actually made us hang the banner up in the hotel room as well as the hospital room --- and its now hanging in her room at home!  She also enjoyed modeling the pajamas and slippers, and munching on snacks once she was back to normal foods.

The art supplies have been an absolute life saver!!  Part of Katie's recovery instructions are no running, climbing, or jumping for 2 weeks.  Art supplies, books, and movies are about the only activities I can use to keep her we have MAXED out on all of these in the past couple weeks.
Once again everyone --- thank you so much for the thoughtful gifts!  You all made Katie's surgery and recovery a little easier.  Below is a little thank you message from Katie herself.

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