Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another one bites the dust...

Just when we thought Matt was safe from all the germs - he turned up sick on Monday night. Fortunately, the bug only lasted about 24 hours for him. Wouldn't it figure he would get sick on the his day off this week?!?! In other news - its snowing here again tonight. Nothing significant, but enough to make my evening commute longer than normal.

So, besides the snow and Matt getting sick - its been business as usual around here. The most interesting thing I've got for you is this video from bathtime last night. We are working on some new skills in the Barnes house. We've recently started to teach Katie her own name. Somehow she now thinks her name is ME! :-) Anyways - here is some of our bathtime conversation.
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Friday, January 21, 2011

On the Mend

Over the past week, someone in our house has thrown up 6 out of the last 8 days. It started with Katie last Friday. I was next, on Monday. Then my mom bit the dust on Tuesday. Somehow Matt has managed to avoid all the bad germs. I credit his overly obsessive hand washing. :-)

The most unusual part of this week - Katie apparently didn't have a stomach bug. She had strep throat - or possibly the stomach bug and strep. She didn't display any of the "normal" signs of strep. Did any of you moms know that multi-day vomiting is a sign of strep? I had NO idea and feel just terrible for Katie. Fortunately, she's been much better today. I'm hopeful that EVERYONE is on the mend.

The video below has nothing to do with being sick. I actually took it this afternoon while Katie was eating her goldfish and playing in the toy room. We started working on body parts when she was just a little past a year old. She can identify somewhere betweeen 10 and 15 body parts now. I guess the next thing will be SAYING all those parts! :-) Yeah - that might be a while.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

MRI Results

I rarely post on the blog about Katie's health issues, but today will be an exception. Katie had another MRI this past Friday. For the 3rd time in less than 17 months, she was put under anesthesia - definitely NOT my favorite part of motherhood. We haven't heard anything official from the doctor yet, but Matt read her chart when he got into work tonight. GREAT NEWS - absolutely normal MRI. I'm so grateful that I couldn't wait to share the information.

On a totally different subject, Katie's getting ready for the next snow storm to hit Richmond which is expected to start tomorrow night. Thanks Rob, Kat and Claire for the hat and gloves. Kat, I don't know how, but you picked out a hat that she will actually keep on her head! And the gloves stayed on longer than most....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Visit With Ganny

Due to the snowstorm that hit Viriginia on Christmas Night, Matt, Katie and I had to delay our usual trip to the farm which was planned for December 26th. Instead, we went to see Ganny Barnes at the Chastane Home, her new residence (or not so new since this is the 2nd winter she's spent there).

It was great to see Ganny and catch-up, and I enjoyed seeing the Chastane Home even though I did miss the farm. While we were there, Ganny informed us she had just celebrated her 1/2 birthday the week before. She is officially 95 and 1/2 years old.....and doesn't take ANY medication. Hopefully Katie got a few of those genes!!! Happy New Year Ganny!