Monday, May 27, 2013

Topsail Beach - May 2013

We just got back from the beach on Saturday and I'm working hard on putting together a video montage.  Unfortunately, I'm also starting a 1.5 week travel fiasco again with work which means I won't have much time for blogging.  So, I'm posting a few beach pictures here now....and will have to find time to do the rest later.  


One quick video too.  Katie was so brave in the water this year.  Quite a turn-around from last year and before.  She (albiet with goggles on) was putting her whole face in the water and trying to swim.  So proud of her!!

A Letter to Katie

Dear Katie Bug,

You currently have 3 habits that I feel are quite important to document for future reference.  They could be something fun to laugh about when you are a little older.  Or, you may see these recurr in your own children whenever you have them.  If you get older and you don't find them funny, or your children never do these things --- then we will just consider this a vent session for mommy.  Thanks!

First -- you are currently in love with every stuffed animal you see.  Not only do you pick out stuffed animals above all other toys, but you also insist on putting virtually ALL of them in bed with you each night.  This would be great if mommy and daddy didn't also lay down with you for bedtime.  For the record, there is no longer room for both mommy and the animals in your bed.  Oh wait --- I forgot --- you already discovered this capacity shortage and kicked mommy out, telling me to get the rocking chair for myself.  It so nice to see where I rank.

Second -- you never want to get dressed!  Ever.  Never, Ever, Ever!  You ask me each morning if its a school day.  When I say no, then you immediately respond by saying, "Oh good, then I get to stay in my pajamas all day long."  Once I have bribed you into getting dressed and we leave the house, apppropriately clothed, and then return home....guess what you do?  You ask to get right back into your pajamas.  I get it -- I mean, pajamas are rather comfy, right?  My suggestion, find a profession that either allows you to work from home, or be a doctor and wear scrubs.

Third -- you alter song lyrics as much as your father.  The best part about this one -- you know its wrong, and you find it hilarious to mess them up anyways.  Actually, I find this one to be pretty cute!

While I may, on occassion, seem slightly annoyed at these behaviors (especially #2), I find them endearing.  They are the unique little things that make you, you!  I'm trying to treasure them, laugh at them, enjoy them --- cause I realize all too quickly this phase will be gone.  I'll wake-up and you will be a CRAZY teenager and I will wish for your teddy bear hording, pajama wearing days.  Just do me a favor --- put your clothes on tomorrow without the fuss.  Thanks!


Mother's Day

We drove like crazy people (by we, I mean Matt) back from Atlanta so we could make it to Woolwine by Mother's Day Sunday.  I really wanted to see my mom and grandmother for Mother's Day.

My mother -- like many -- certainly deserves her own day.  She is the most selfless person I know.  Her dedication to me and Katie over the last few years is more than a daughter could ever ask for.  She retired early to help care for Katie as a baby, when we needed her most --- and she makes our lives better each day. 

Momma -- you are the most loyal, kind person I know.  Whether its parenting, work, finances, or just life --- I can always count on your listening ear, advice, and help.  I hope I can be as good of a mother to Katie as you have been to me.  I am so grateful for you!!


Wow --- its actually been a MONTH since I did a blog post.  Yikes, where does the time go??  Forgive, me.  The Barnes Family has been a traveling band over the last several weeks.  Matt finished his spring semester on May 1st and has had the last 3 weeks off to spend 100% of his time with me and Katie.  I cannot tell you how nice that has been.  The result is that my usual mommy's girl has turned into a Daddy's Girl --- BIG TIME! 

Two weeks ago, I had a work conference in Atlanta.  We decided to turn it into a family trip so that Katie could see the sites.  Atlanta's acquariam is the largest in the United States --- and we really didn't want to pass up that opportunity.  We also managed to fit in a trip to Lego Land, multiple visits to Centinial Olympic Park, and Atlanta's Children's Museum.   

By far Katie's favorite event from the trip was the Dolphin Tales show at the Acquarium.  Think Seaworld, but indoors with dolphins.  She was so enamored by the dolphins that we ended up with a stuffed animal souvenier named Finny.  I thought that her dear old friend Bunny might get de-throned.  Nope.  Now there is a requirement to take Bunny AND Finny whereever we go.  Awesome.
A second favorite activity for Katie was the fountains at Centinial Park.  Its was quite warm during our visit and Katie thoroughly enjoyed cooling off in the fountains.  Some days with her bathing suit --- other days fully clothed.  The best part for mommy and daddy was when she wanted to be carried back to the hotel --- after getting SOAKING wet.  Mommy took that duty.

Atlanta is a great city and we thoroughly enjoyed our trip.  One item I must comment on though is the traffic!  Oh My Goodness am I grateful I don't have to deal with THAT on a daily basis.  Clearly I have forgotten what traffic in Philly and Denver were like --- and I've gotten a bit spoiled by the non-existent traffic in Roanoke, VA.

This final picture was taken at the end of a long day at the acquarium.  I asked Katie if she wanted to take a picture with us in front of the acquarium sign, to which she said "No!".  I said, Okay --- we will take one of just me and daddy.  So, she stood over by herself annoyed at the picture taking process.  The person who took the shot obviously found her pouting amusing --- and decided to include Miss Pouty Pants in the picture regardless. 

One quick video....