Saturday, December 23, 2017

K-Kids Induction Ceremony

During the first week of December, Katie was inducted into the K-club at school.  K-Club is a service organization which teaches children at a very early age the important of volunteering and giving back to the community and school --- especially to individuals in need.  

To become a member Katie had to first complete an application.  Then the 3rd grade teachers reviewed each student application in order to select who would be selected to participate.  I was so grateful Katie was selected because she had her heart set on joining.  The big smile on her face says it all!!!  Included

Service projects will begin in the new year and I'm curious to see just how much these little elementary school students tackle.  I'm so proud of our sweet girl!!  She has a truly kind, giving nature about her.

Jenna's Christmas Performance

What a joy it was to watch Jenna in her preschool Christmas performance.  She had been singing the songs for weeks at home and we finally got to see her in action.  She loved being on stage and having us there to cheer her on.

Sharing a few videos and pictures from her big night!!  (some of the videos aren't uploading....hmm --- I'll have to work on that!!).

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Family Fall Photos

Sharing a few of our family photos from our recent fall session.