Friday, September 30, 2011

Blue Shaving Cream

Katie is fascinated with shaving. She watches her daddy shave, and likes to touch his smooth face when he's all finished. One night before bath, she managed to get into the bathroom cabinet where the shaving cream is stored. Instead of having a fight over taking the shaving cream away, I thought we'd have some fun. By the end of the bath, we were both laughing much fun this little girl.

Another night - we decided to mix blue finger paint in with the shaving cream. The water was so blue and cloudy we ended up draining it out and starting over. :-)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Odd Schedules

Dinner time at the Barnes house is usually just Katie and me. Matt works evenings at the hospital, so he has The Bug in the morning and I get her in the afternoon and evening. I've been trying to get into work at 7-7:30 each day so I can get out by between 3 and 4. Our odd schedules mean that Matt and I don't see much of one another during the week - but we try to maximize our Katie time as much as possible.

So, with it just being me and Katie at night - dinnertime conversations are interesting. I always try to ask Katie about her day at school. Usually I get an answer, but its very generic unless something special has happened. Normally she tells me she played with her teachers and her friends. This week is community safety week at school. As part of the community safety program, the school brings in members of the local police force and the local fire department. Katie was SOOO excited this week to see the fire fighters and get onto the fire truck. I asked her what color the fire truck was - and she told me it was yellow. I was a bit suspicious on that (I thought they were red). Turns out she was right - all Henrico County fire trucks are yellow.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Irene, Woolwine, and School

Time to play catchup from a multi-week blogging absense.....this post will be a LONG one!

The last weekend in August, Richmond got hit hard by hurricane Irene. We were out of power for 6 days. Fortunately, there was no damage to our house just some to our neighborhood. We spent 3 days at home, 1/2 day with Rob and Katherine, and 2 days with Popa and Abu. There is only so much camping out at home.....with no A/C that one family can take. The video below is from our time at Rob & Kat's house.....the girls play so well together. I think its so sweet how Claire "mothers" Katie. :-)

Then, I left Thursday afternoon around 5 PM for Woolwine. Katie and I spent the Labor Day weekend visiting Nana, Papa, and Gigi. Katie had so much fun in Woolwine. She helped Papa dig potatoes and wash them. She played with Maddie the neighbor's dog....and generally spent as much time outdoors as possible.

In other updates - Katie has moved up to the next classroom at school. She is the youngest child in the class right now (ages are between 2 and 3). I think she likes her new class, but she definitely misses her old teacher Ms. Liz. I got my first indoctrination into "school projects" in early September. Katie's class is doing an "All about me" theme for the month. Each child is supposed to do a poster showing pictures of their family members, their favorite foods (pizza, spaghetti, and goldfish), drinks (milk and apple juice), books (Maisy Books), and activities (playing outside & coloring). Nana came up with the idea of doing a Family Tree....and letting Katie finger paint the green leaves portion of the tree. Katie loved it and, of course, got green paint on virtually EVERYTHING. Finished product is below.