Tuesday, September 13, 2016

First Day of Preschool

In the world of Jenna, all things Katie does she also wants to do.  Since she's been watching Katie head off to school now for a couple of years she thought she would give it a try as well.  So, today our baby started Preschool!!!!  
Last week we visited the school and met her teacher which went rather smoothly.  She was more excited about the school gym than anything else.  Ha!  Over the weekend she continually mentioned being excited about going to preschool and playing with her new friends.  But then she would also ask if Matt and I would stay with her.  When we told her we would drop her off then pick her up a little later ---- she was not so pleased.  So we weren't sure what to expect.

There were definitely some tears at drop off, but her teacher said she had a great first day.  At pick up she told us all about the book they read and getting to use the slide on the playground.  I'm excited for her and can't wait to see how much she will learn over the next year.  

First Day of School

Last week summer officially ended for Katie.  She probably experienced the LONGEST summer break of her life.  Our old school ended in late May/early June and the new school didn't start until September ---- so a full 3 months of fun. Well, maybe not all fun (given our move) ---- But definitely lots of pool time, movie nights, up past bedtime, and sleeping late in the morning.  

I wish I could say Katie rolled into her new school full of confidence and without fear.  The week or two leading up to school we had multiple breakdowns about being nervous, not wanting to start a new school, wanting to go back to her old school, etc.  At one point, she even asked if I would home school her!  And no amount of reassurance seemed to put her at ease.

Finally, Tuesday morning rolled around.  I thought the night before we were going to be fine, because Katie seemed relatively calm.  But then I woke her --- and literally from the the moment she was awake she started begging and crying NOT to go.  It persisted the entire morning.  I had to almost DRAG her to the bus stop.  She continued to cry even at the bus stop.  And frankly, I wasn't sure she would get on.  Quite possibly the WORST school moment we've ever had.  It was FAR worse than her 1st day of Kindergarten.  

But --- she did it.  And when I got her off the bus that afternoon, she was happy.  She was so very scared that first day.  Scared that she wouldn't meet a new friend, scared she wouldn't know where to go, scared she wouldn't feel comfortable, scared people would be mean to her, scared she couldn't reach us if she needed us.  And yet --- she did it. 

I forget sometimes how easy both Matt and I had it.  We both attended the same schools --- without a single move from the time we entered Kindergarten until adulthood.  Our parents weren't changing jobs, relocating us, and turning our worlds upside down.  We had wonderful stability and the immense security that comes with it.

Katie has moved 4 times in 7 years and has attended 3 different school districts in the 3 years since she began elementary school.  Clearly, that wasn't our plan.  But I'm so proud of the fact that manages to adapt, even when she is nervous and scared.  

So, the pictures from this post are less than picture perfect.  But a good reminder --- and a memory all the same.