Saturday, September 22, 2012

3 Years Old

I just realized I didn't do a post for Katie's 3 year old statistics and things to remember.  Gotta write these down before they escape my memory.  Here goes...

Weight:   27 1/2 pounds (10th %)
Height:    36 3/4 inches  (25-50th %)

Special Items to Note:

1)  Katie's Bunny goes everywhere with us.  Bunny and her UVA/VT blanket are must haves at bedtime.

2)  We have a budding artist.  Okay, you can't call her pictures art....but this proud mommy thinks her pictures are pretty good.  There is one on this post from about a week before her 3rd birthday.....a picture of herself.

3)  Katie LOVES to play doctor and school.  Apparently she has even convinced her new classmates at preschool to play doctor with her - to the point that her teacher is now looking for a doctor's play kit for the classroom.

4)  Katie tells everyone the most embarrasing things about our private household activities.  She basically just spills her anyone.  Its AWESOME!  No really, it is.

5)  Katie is unbelievably shy.  We went to the Roanoke Market a couple weekends ago and she told me when we entered one particularly crowded store that she was scared.  When I asked her why she was scared she said, "I'm scared of all these people mommy."  I have NO idea how to help her cope with this fear....or what words to say (goodness knows I wasn't shy a day in my life).  That day I told her mommy was holding her and that she didn't have anything to be scared of because I would keep her safe.  Crowds and new places seem to exacerbate her shyness.  Hoping we can work on this....or that it magically will get better with age.

6)  Enjoys riding her tricycle and climbing on everything in sight.  Fire hydrons included.  :-)

7)  Has learned how to open the door - and unlock the bolt lock above the door.  This is a serious problem!  She will wait until you are occupied in some capacity (like using the restroom) and will use that opportunity to just walk out the front door.  And NO - I'm not kidding.  We have had multiple conversations about the extreme danger of going outside without and adult.  I think its getting a little better, but if she wants to go outside and you tell her no.....she just walks out.  We are going to have to find a baby proof door contraption that she cannot take apart (the last type I purchased she took apart and hid in her room so I couldn't find it and put them back on the door).

8)  Katie is still having some sleep issues.  Who can blame her when she is in a different place every couple of weeks?  Richmond one week, Roanoke the next.  We have resulted to putting a sleeping mat on the floor of our bedroom.  We have told her that if she needs us during the night she can just come into our room and lay down on the mat next to our bed.

9)  Katie is starting to write her own name.  We have to help her with the "K"....she really struggles with that letter.  But the "ATIE" part is pretty legible.

10)  Katie is such a tender-hearted, kind little girl.  Even her teachers at school comment that she is the first to go and console a classmate if they cry or get upset.  If there is one thing we teach her, I hope it is kindness.

11)  Tantrums are getting better....and Katie is starting to reason a bit.  Not much, but its an improvement.

Katie, I hope one day you will read these notes/posts.  I want you to see, remember, and understand how much your mommy and daddy love you.  Each day you grow and change and we have the opportunity to learn a little more about you.  Last night before bed you said thank you for being your best friend.  I know I won't always be your best friend, but I am so honored to be your mommy.  Love you, Katie Bug.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Art of Negotiation

Every day with a 3 year old is about negotiation.  Katie seems particularly adept at negotiating.  But since she's our only child, I don't have much to compare to.  I'm not sure if its a good sign or a bad one that I find myself negotiating so often with my 3 year old.  It could either mean that we are working to find some compromise......Or that I'm a total softy.  Negotiation takes patience!  Virtually everything I say during a given day is met with rebuttal and a counter offer.

These are some of our typical discussions...

In the morning...
[Me]     Katie, it is time to get dressed so let's go upstairs. 
[Katie]  No mommy I'm not ready to get dressed yet.  I want to stay in my nightgown a little while longer.  (She also says, but why do I have to get dressed?)
[Me]     Katie, I said its time to get dressed. Let's go.
[Katie]  Mommy, can I please have a few more minutes to play before we get dressed? 
[Me]     Okay, fine - 2 get to play for 2 more minutes.  I'm setting the timer for 2 minutes.

After Dinner...
[Katie] Mommy, I've been a really good girl today so I think we should go to Sweet Frog and get a treat.  [Me]    No, we can't go to Sweet Frog tonight.  Maybe another time.
[Katie] Mommy, we have popsicles in the freezer - how about I get one of those for my treat?
[Me]    Well, you have been a good girl today.  I guess we can have a popsicles and eat it outside.

Before Bed...
[Me]     Tonight we are going to read 2 books before bed.  Please pick out which 2 books you would like to read.
[Katie]   No mommy, I want to read 5 books.
[Me]      Katie I said 2, not 5.
[Katie]   How about 3 books....I'll pick out 3.
[Me]      Okay, we will read 3.

*** How can you say no to a child who wants to read?

I realize as I read through these examples that I cave, quite often, to Katie.  I have found though that if I give her two extra minutes in the morning, for example, she is MUCH more cooperative with me.  If I don't give her the 2 minutes - it is an all out war of wills. 

Matt and I have noticed a decline in the "terrible twos" behavior.  (By terrible twos behavior I mean the defiance just for the sake of defying).  I don't know if the change is just a product of her getting older - or if it is because she's getting her way a good portion of the time - ha!

I want to give Katie everything she needs for comfort and development of a healthy self-esteem, but I don't want to flat out spoil her. Such a careful balance....and one I'm forever trying to figure out.


So, this last picture has nothing to do with the post....just Picture Proof that my Bug will climb ANYTHING!!!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Future Hokie?

Shhhhhhh....don't tell Matt about that blogpost title.   :-)

Today, Katie got to experience Virginia Tech football for the first time.  We took her to a UVA game last year and she LOVED it.  So I figured she would be just as happy (hopefully more so) in the Burg, rooting on the Hokies.

Matt is so swamped with school work he couldn't come with us.  He has been advised to partition his weekend into 5 buckets (Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday evening, Sunday morning, Sunday evening).  Of those 5 buckets of time, school advisors recommend giving 2 buckets to family time and the rest for studying.  Sounds crazy right?  Especially after he spends the entire week SUPER busy with school.  But, that will be his life for the next couple years.  He is off to a great start so far - so obviously this schedule is working and we don't want to change it. 

With daddy at home, it was set to be a girls bonding day.  Goodness knows Matt didn't want to hang out with two HOKIES all day.  With the game starting at 1:30, I thought a 11:15 departure from Roanoke would be perfect.  Once in Blacksburg, we parked at Kroger across from Macado's so that Katie could have the experience of riding the bus with the students (and we could leave early if necessary).  By the way - the bus which used to be free when I was a student now costs $5 to ride.  SHOCKING!  And a good thing I was carrying cash today....cause I rarely do!  The bus dropped us off right by the stadium and we headed over to tailgate for a short time with Papa and our family friend Cabell.

Close to kickoff, we packed up the tailgate and got into the stadium just in time for the Jumping Madness of Inner Sandman by Metalica.  No matter how many years I spend away from Blacksburg, no matter how old and grown up I get.....I still LOVE the way our team enters the field of play.  Katie couldn't quite figure out why everyone was jumping around like crazy.  Pretty safe to say she has never seen that many adults behaving like complete idiots before - ha!  But she joined in....laughing and shouting with her mommy.  Finally the Hokies took the field and game began.  I can't say that Katie was extremely interested in the football action.  She did enjoy the kickers, the male cheerleaders carrying the flags, the band playing music, and - OF COURSE - the Hokie Bird.

As halftime approached, the weather got a little ugly with strong winds and some rain.  We said our goodbyes to Papa and headed out of the stadium.  On our way back to the car, we took a few pictures on campus.  I showed Katie where I lived my first year of college and she said "Daddy doesn't like these buildings does he?"  No Katie he doesn't.  He hates all Hokie stone.  :-)

Finally we took the return bus trip back to the car and headed back to the Noke.  On the way home I asked Katie what was her favorite part of the day?  She said "The Hokie Bird" and then asked if she could have one.  Papa - put that on your Christmas Shopping list. 

It was a GREAT first trip.  While I know Katie will probably not remember it, her mommy certainly will. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day of Preschool

Short post - cause I'm short on time....

  Tuesday was Katie's first day at her new Preschool.  It went relatively well.  Bunny stayed with her the entire day at school.  Amazingly, her teacher didn't seem to mind.  In fact, her teacher's quote was, "whatever helps her get through the day comfortably is fine with me."  That made me feel 100% more comfortable with her teacher - immediately.  After all, we could all use a little comfort sometimes.  Especially my timid little Katie Bug whose been through so much change recently.  A few pics from before we left home...

You get line and I'll get a pole

On our Labor Day weekend trip down to Woolwine Katie brought along her new Disney Princess fishing pole and matching tackle box.  Yes, matching.  Doesn't every 3 year old need a matching Princess fishing pole and tackle box?  (Note:  Bass Pro Shops has LITERALLY everything fishing related...for all ages.)

Anyways, Papa has been so excited to take Katie fishing - he finally got his chance.  We thought the creek at home was a good place to start.  She could practice casting a few times and get her line wet.  There was no hook and no bait, but Katie didn't know the difference.
Papa wasn't exactly sitting in the best location (right behind her - while she was casting).  I'm guessing he won't do that once there is an actual hook attached.  But he was giving her some good tips - just like he did with me when I was a little girl.  With Papa's guidance, Katie was eventually casting by herself - and doing a pretty good job.

Katie pitched a Royal Fit when I told her it was time to leave Woolwine.  "But why do we have to leave?  Why do we have to go back to Roanoke?"  (Yes - why is involved in almost EVERY sentence these days.)  She loves it so much there and I'm so happy we are closer and can visit Woolwine more often.  Katie loves the wide open spaces with plenty of room to run and roam free.

This last picture might be my favorite of the trip....walking buddies.