Sunday, October 23, 2016

Pumpkin Patch - 2016

We are back in Richmond this fall, so we headed to one of our old favorite spots --- Chesterfield Berry Farm. It hasn't changed much since we used to bring Katie there years ago.  Similar rides and attractions, and plenty to keep the kids busy for hours.

Jenna loved the barrel train ride and bouncy house the most.  She begged to return to the barrel ride for a 3rd time, but at 2 PM ---- so was long past needing a nap. 

Katie's tastes have changed a bit.  I can remember taking Katie to the CB Farm and she would ask ---- "There won't be anything scary there, right mommy?"  And of course I would do everything possible to steer her away from the Haunted House, etc.  This year --- she asked for daddy to take her INTO the Haunted House.  I couldn't believe it!  So much change, in such a short period of time.

Katie @ age 2:

Kate @ age 7:  She's so over the barrel rides.  LOL!

One part that was new was this Hay Bail Obstacle Course / Playground.  They had rope swings and culvert slides -- which both the girls enjoyed.

We came away with 3 pumpkins, two tired kiddos ---- and a few more memories for October 2016.

Swim Team

At the beginning of the school year, Katie and I discussed which fall sports she wanted to participate in. Options included soccer, dance, swimming, and gymnastics......and Katie chose swimming. I wasn't terribly surprised as its probably her favorite sport. She's tried others, but always comes back to swimming.  And frankly, given her back issues --- I was just grateful she didn't pick gymnastics.

For those of you who have not participated in swim teams/swim meets, its NUTS!  As a kid, I tried almost every sport imaginable, and attended virtually any sporting event I could.  And yet, I'm still amazed at these swim meets.  At our last home meet, our team alone had over 200 kids swimming (with 3 other teams there as well).  The indoor events only allow about 50-100 spectators into the pool at a time (due to capacity constraints) so there is a constant flow of people coming in to see swimmers, and people going out when their swimmers are finished.

And then there are the little kids.  You probably think I'm referring to Katie's age group.  But no.  There are some as little as 5 out there.  I just love the "little kids."  Some are totally awesome and can probably already outswim me.  And some can barely make it down the length of the pool.  Oh, but those sweet little faces when they get to the end.  Just amazing!

A full swim meet will often take 6 hours (fortunately, the younger kids are only the 1st half).  Thank goodness!  The noise level is off the charts.  And you have to bring enough snacks to feed an army (swimming does make you hungry, after all).  Its an interesting sport.  One that Katie has allowed me to learn along with her.

One of the best parts of this year's swim team --- Cousin Claire and Katie are on the same team!  A couple of these pics are from their first swim meet together.  So, so much fun!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

First Day of Preschool

In the world of Jenna, all things Katie does she also wants to do.  Since she's been watching Katie head off to school now for a couple of years she thought she would give it a try as well.  So, today our baby started Preschool!!!!  
Last week we visited the school and met her teacher which went rather smoothly.  She was more excited about the school gym than anything else.  Ha!  Over the weekend she continually mentioned being excited about going to preschool and playing with her new friends.  But then she would also ask if Matt and I would stay with her.  When we told her we would drop her off then pick her up a little later ---- she was not so pleased.  So we weren't sure what to expect.

There were definitely some tears at drop off, but her teacher said she had a great first day.  At pick up she told us all about the book they read and getting to use the slide on the playground.  I'm excited for her and can't wait to see how much she will learn over the next year.  

First Day of School

Last week summer officially ended for Katie.  She probably experienced the LONGEST summer break of her life.  Our old school ended in late May/early June and the new school didn't start until September ---- so a full 3 months of fun. Well, maybe not all fun (given our move) ---- But definitely lots of pool time, movie nights, up past bedtime, and sleeping late in the morning.  

I wish I could say Katie rolled into her new school full of confidence and without fear.  The week or two leading up to school we had multiple breakdowns about being nervous, not wanting to start a new school, wanting to go back to her old school, etc.  At one point, she even asked if I would home school her!  And no amount of reassurance seemed to put her at ease.

Finally, Tuesday morning rolled around.  I thought the night before we were going to be fine, because Katie seemed relatively calm.  But then I woke her --- and literally from the the moment she was awake she started begging and crying NOT to go.  It persisted the entire morning.  I had to almost DRAG her to the bus stop.  She continued to cry even at the bus stop.  And frankly, I wasn't sure she would get on.  Quite possibly the WORST school moment we've ever had.  It was FAR worse than her 1st day of Kindergarten.  

But --- she did it.  And when I got her off the bus that afternoon, she was happy.  She was so very scared that first day.  Scared that she wouldn't meet a new friend, scared she wouldn't know where to go, scared she wouldn't feel comfortable, scared people would be mean to her, scared she couldn't reach us if she needed us.  And yet --- she did it. 

I forget sometimes how easy both Matt and I had it.  We both attended the same schools --- without a single move from the time we entered Kindergarten until adulthood.  Our parents weren't changing jobs, relocating us, and turning our worlds upside down.  We had wonderful stability and the immense security that comes with it.

Katie has moved 4 times in 7 years and has attended 3 different school districts in the 3 years since she began elementary school.  Clearly, that wasn't our plan.  But I'm so proud of the fact that manages to adapt, even when she is nervous and scared.  

So, the pictures from this post are less than picture perfect.  But a good reminder --- and a memory all the same.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

What's New - Barnes Crew

The bad thing about only blogging once every 3-4 miss the "good stuff" that happens each day, each week.  For the past 2-3 years our life has been an absolute blur for one reason or another.  And for the first time in a VERY long time, I feel as if its normalizing (I'm almost afraid to even type that statement!!!!).  Also, I decided this past week that if I spent as much time blogging as I did checking FB ---- there would be at least one post on here a week. 
 So, I thought I would start off with some of the little things that have occurred in our house over the past week.  First, Jenna peed in our neighbors yard.  In case you were wondering ---- you read that last statement correctly.  We were playing with our new neighbors.  Actually, it was the first time we had met them.  Jenna, being newly potty trained, didn't want to go indoors because that meant she would have to leave the outdoor fun.  And she didn't want to have an accident.  What better way to be efficient in both tasks than to drop your pants in the neighbors yard and pee on their lawn.  Either these neighbors will become our close friends, or they will never speak to us again.  I'll let you know how it plays out.

In other news, Katie is now registered at her new school.  And she tried another camp at the Y this week ---- this one was a total fail.  It is the first time she has EVER left a week of camp early.  She cried so much on day 4 I didn't have the heart to make her go back.  I'm pretty sure it was due to the fact that ZERO girls were in her group of 6 and many of the boys were about 10.  But she wouldn't give me many details.  She's a tough one to figure out some days.  I'm a bit nervous, but also hopeful that she can get off to a good start at her new school.

I'm rusty at this blogging stuff.....This one has been a complete babbled list of random thoughts.  More practice needed.  Hope to return soon.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Baltimore - Inner Harbor

Scheduling family vacations is much more challenging once kids start school.  We have to work everything around the school schedule, which isn't always convenient for everyone else (i.e. Parent work schedules).  But, we love to take the girls to new locations so they can experience new adventures.

This spring break we decided to do a long weekend in Baltimore for Katie's spring break.  Over the course of the trip we hit the Aquarium, the MASSIVE children's museum, the Inner Harbor with its historic ships, a fun dragon boat ride, the ubiquitous crab cake dinner, and more.

 One of the girls favorite parts of the trip --- the hotel.  They love sleeping in the same room with mommy and daddy, free breakfast cooked by someone else, riding the elevators (this one on the 12th floor), looking out the huge windows at the city lights and harbor below, and of course the hotel pool.

We had a great trip to Baltimore and are now looking forward to our next adventure.  Nana will hopefully join us on our next trip!

Jenna Turns Two

Dear Jenna,

And just like that, you are 2!  This past year has been a turbulent one for our family.  We've all been coping with change and loss.  Despite all the chaos, you find happiness in each day and are rarely without your captivating, mischievous smile.   With you, there is a constant cheerful and carefree approach to life, which is amazing in a house full of serious sorts.

This past year we have watched your personality grow.  You can now communicate --- and oh, the things you say!  You are hesitant around new people, but far from shy.  You are a daddy's girl and rarely cry.  You are a cuddly, loving little girl, with a strong sense of independence.  You love reading books, playing outdoors, all forms of water, and everything to do with sports.  Crafts, not so much ---- but hey, big Sister's got that one in spades.  

Speaking of Big Sister --- you watch, observe, mimic, and virtually idolize all things Katie.  Each day we drop her off at school and you say, "I ride bus too?"  I always answer with "Some day soon, when you are a little older."  And you reply "Yeah.  When I'm older.  I ride bus too."  Then you wait diligently each afternoon, anxious for the bus to start up our street so you and big sister can play together again.  Your desire to be "older" like Katie is a constant push forward.  Your growth, both physical and developmental, feels lightening fast --- an accelerated pace I wish I could slow down.

It is so odd for me, this second time at mommyhood.  With Katie, I could not wait for her to reach her next milestone --- and borderline rushed her on to the "next thing."   I pushed and waited for each stage of development thinking we would never get there.  I look at you now, and realize such a short time ago, Katie was your age --- doing the same things.  I know you will only be little, for a little while longer.  So, there is great irony that now, when I want things to slow down, I have you who refuse to do anything slowly.

I've taken fewer pictures of you, and as this blog can attest ---- the documentation of your life  milestones is seriously lacking.  But maybe that's a good thing.  Because I've spent more time just cuddling and enjoying you.

Sweet Jenna we love you so!  Happy 2!
Mommy, Daddy, and Big Sis Katie

Saturday, January 23, 2016

MegaSnow - January 2016

We waited a long time for winter to begin this year.  December was a record for warm temperatures.  I'm pretty sure we could have cooked our Christmas Turkey on the grill outdoors.  But once mother nature took a turn for colder weather, she didn't mess around.  Our first big storm of the year brought us about a foot of snow...official totals have been hard to measure due to drifting.  

So many adults hate the snow.  They view it as the absolute inconvenience.  And, in some ways it certainly is.  But I cannot help but LOVE the white stuff.  With the snow comes snuggling under blankets with my girls, warm cups of hot chocolate, sledding, snowball fights, and homemade soup. Matt, quite possibly, loves the snow more than me.  As I type, he is absolutely itching to get out and drive in this weather even though we do not have a 4 wheel drive vehicle.

This snow was Jenna's first real experience with snow, sledding, and all the trimmings.  Katie is an old pro, and enjoys it as much as Matt and I.  But Jenna is still a little tentative.  She will go outside with us, stomp around, help clean cars.  But she wasn't crazy about sledding.

With a late start to winter, this may be our only shot at snow play.  So, we are trying to enjoy each moment.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Elfie "Fred" - 2015

Elfie "Fred" returned this year to visit the Barnes family.  He was full of mischief, as always --- performing some of his old tricks and some new ones as well.   My personal favorite this year was when Elfie painted everyone's toes while they slept....even Daddy's.  A nice hot pink color, ha!  Fortunately for daddy, Elfie only had time for ONE of his toenails.

For those of you who have not read the book, a special Christmas Elf is designated for each family.  The Elf's job is watch over the girls from Thanksgiving to Christmas and fly back to the North Pole each night to give Santa a full report.  When Elfie returns from his trip, he finds a new place in the house to stay for the next day.  Elfie's location was always a fun surprise.  The girls love Elfie and embrace him with all the magic of Christmas.  Each morning they would awake, practically wiggling with excitement, and launch into a search for Elfie's new spot. 

On Christmas Eve, Elfie goes back to the North Pole with Santa to stay for the rest of the year.  Below is a picture of the girls saying goodbye to Elfie Fred on Christmas Eve.  They sent him back with cookies and the Gingerbread Train they made.